What Happened to the Love?

And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.
And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

Matthew 24:10-13Falling Out of LoveThe question on the minds of many is, “why are people so mean?” This is not just a Western culture thing; this is a global concern. Some have attempted to remedy this by suggesting that everyone needs to show kindness. That’s a nice thought but the only problem is that kindness does not appear by suggestion. Kindness must be generated in the heart and then offered to someone else.Yet, even with the outpouring of kindness, this will not eliminate the mean spirit that some seem to harbor in their heart. Love is that source that fuels the souls of those who show concern for those who are in need. When it is lacking it is due to factors that interfere with the supply of love. The Bible calls that factor sin. Because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. Jesus did more than simply suggest that love would be lacking; He clearly stated that love would fail. When that happens, people will be offended and shall betray one another and hate one another. This is not by accident. This is not simply a fad that will soon pass. This is a sign of the end times.The lack of love highlights two extremes. One extreme emphasizes the results of iniquity and sin. There is no such thing as little sin. There is no such situation as sin causing ‘little harm.’ Sin is a major force that wreaks catastrophic results on those who practice it. Iniquity shall abound. People, in the end times, will practice lawlessness to the extent that wrong will become the rule of the land. Villains will be flaunted as heroes and those who obey the right will be marginalized and mocked for ‘doing the right thing.’ Today, sin is popularized in the media. Whatever you can get away with is the mark of genius and those who practice is are considered “cool.” While you might think this only refers to pimps, prostitutes, and drug dealers, it doesn’t take long to figure out that there are dishonest people wearing Wall Street suits. There are dishonest people sitting in the halls of Congress and other high places. Iniquity is abounding and what use to be a “crying shame” is now par for the course. Some even boast that dishonesty is the only way you can make it in this world. That of course, is man’s assessment. God’s Word still says, “the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” The second extreme that our Lord highlights in this passage is the impact of lawlessness: the love of many shall wax cold. Please note the term ‘many.’ The NIV states it this way: the love of most will grow cold. Many will lack love. As a result, fair treatment and thoughtfulness will be thrown aside as everyone will be out to serve themselves and they will destroy anyone that threatens their selfish ambitions. Because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.Right now, there are over 8.1 billion people living on the planet. Jesus has warned us that because the majority of those people are sinners and most have allowed sin to totally control their life, that most of them are “haters.” They hate you, they hate their fellow countrymen, and even hate themselves because sin will not permit them to embrace the power of love. In the United States, which has the third largest population in the world behind China and India, there are over 337 million people living as of today. Guess what? The majority of them are haters also. They have the same problem as the rest of the world. Sin has destroyed their ability to love and show compassion for others. The point is that there is a correlation between the total dominance of sin and the severe lack of love in the hearts of most people in the end times. Is there a remedy? Is there a cure for this lack of love? Is there any hope in a world that will be filled with hate? Fortunately, there is one answer and that answer is God. What Happens To People who Lack Love?Let me make several definitive statements that may be shocking but they will help us understand that love cannot be generated by human energy. First, love originates from God and God alone. When the Bible says, “God is Love” it is referring to love as being the exclusive nature of God. Nothing else has that love nor can it possess that love unless God shares it with them. Here is the good news: God shares His love and He does it in abundance. Listen to this verse in 1 John 4:7-8. Dear friends, let us love one another for love comes from God… Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God … Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is Love. The reason for people not possessing love is that they do not have God in their life. You cannot give what you do not possess and if you do not possess God, you cannot show love. The world is becoming more hate-filled because they will not go to the Source of All Love. They can only give hate because that is what their life is filled with. Here is the second definitive statement. People love themselves more than they love God and think that they are right and God is wrong. 2 Timothy 3:1-2, 5, But mark this: there will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love … lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God – having a form of godliness but denying its power. This answers the question of why people don’t love God; they love themselves instead of God. Whenever you replace God with anything, that thing becomes and idol. In these last days, mankind has created the worst idol of all: self. What a pity!This brings us to the third definitive statement: the lack of love produces a cold heart that hates everything that is good. Our Lord has declared that the end time will be a time where the love of most shall wax cold. Don’t expect people to love you in a world that is filled with hate. Don’t expect people to respect your rights when the only right they know is defined by how they feel. Don’t expect compassion from folks who only know hate as a way of life. 2 Timothy 3:3 (KJV) calls these people despisers of that which is good. The same way they hated Jesus, the world is going to hate you. All of this points back to the lack of love that most will be suffering from. Human love will die and hate will fill the hearts of people to the point where families will be divided. Domestic violence and fighting will become the norm in the end times. Is there any good news in all of this? The answer is a resounding YES. God is still in control even in the end times. Some will mistakenly think that God will be unresponsive during those days. Ladies and Gentlemen, God still loves the world and His Grace will still abide in the hearts of those who will call upon His Name. Yes, the bad will be very bad, and the haters will hate, but that will not hinder, hamper, or harm the Power of God as His truth will keep marching on. We must remember that hate, by its very nature is limited in power and can only go so far.What Every Christian Needs to Know About LoveThese are several truths that Christians should always keep in mind when it comes to the Love of God. God will never lose or limit His Mercy. When the Bible says, that God’s Mercy endures forever it is making that dual statement about God’s compassion. First, God’s Compassion will not and cannot lose its power. It is the very nature of God and God never changes; therefore, His Love never changes. His Mercy endures forever and that means that God will love us even though we do not deserve it. The other attribute about God’s Love is that it will never be withheld from those who need it. God’s Mercy endures forever is a Hebrew term that reminds us that God will always show compassion. When a sinner confesses their sin and turns to God, the Lord will have mercy on them. God will not go back on His Word that tells us, whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord, shall be saved. The second truth about Jesus statement that the love of many shall wax cold is that it reveals a wonderful truth that some still have love. Some of God’s people still possess love because they are walking with the Lord. While the world will show hate, God’s people are commanded to love one another. We still have it because it is flowing from the heart of God and is filling our hearts so that we can care for each other. Here’s the other good news: when we show people that we have something that is real, many will be drawn to Christ and will seek that love. While the love of many will wax cold, the Church should be heating up. They will know we are Christians not by our doctrine. They will know we are Christians not by our clothing. They will know we are Christians not by any other outward show. They will know we are Christians by our love. Jesus said, by this, all mankind will know that you are My Disciples by your love (John 13:35).Lastly, Love will be the Christians mark of excellence. To possess love in a world filled with hate will be the true testimony of faith in God. If there is one thing that a Child of God should demonstrate it is the fact that we have the Love of God in our hearts. There is no greater testimony of faith. There is no greater example of living the Christian life other than showing that you possess the gift of God’s Love. When we reflect God’s Love, we are showing that our connection with the Lord is unbroken and our fellowship with the Father is not hindered by the world around us. To love God and love others is the fulfillment of every command of the Lord. The one who loves God will walk in righteousness and power not because of their own energy or willpower, but because they are being led by the Lord Himself. What a fellowship! What a joy divine! Leaning on the Everlasting Arms.What a blessedness! What a peace is mine! Leaning on the Everlasting Arms.Leaning, leaning – safe and secure from all alarm!Leaning, leaning – leaning on the Everlasting Arms.Walk in love dear Children and know that God Almighty is walking with you through these turbulent times. Always have the confidence and assurance that you have a home in Heaven, but more importantly, you have God’s Love in your heart. Amen.