The Importance of Spiritual Identity
(Fake Religion Will Not Work)
13. Then certain of the vagabond Jews, exorcists, took upon them to call over them which had evil spirits the Name of the Lord Jesus, saying, “We adjure you by Jesus Whom Paul preaches.”
14. And there were seven sons of Sceva, a Jew and chief of the priests, which did so.
15. And the evil spirit answered and said, “Jesus I know and Paul I know, but who are you.”
16. And the man in whom the evil spirit was, leaped on them and overcame them, and prevailed against them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded.
17. And this was known to all the Jews and Greeks living in Ephesus; and fear fell on them all, and the Name of the Lord Jesus was magnified.
Acts 19:13-17
Traditional Forms of Identification
Forms of identification are critical for societies in several ways. First, by properly identifying people there is a clear distinction of one person versus another. This supports the fact that not only are people different, but they enjoy that particular uniqueness as a social gift. While it is certainly important that people come together in unity, unification should never be a reason for losing one’s personal identity. As Jesse Jackson, political leader and activist, famously stated, “I am somebody.”
There is yet another purpose for distinguishing one’s personal identity, this has to do with resources and identity through personal possessions. I certainly would not want my possessions to be taken away and given to anyone else without my permission. You might consider this to be the capitalist view of personal identity. Western culture thrives on the notion that individuals can own certain things and rightly be identified as the owner of such things. Of course, this can be taken to the extreme, but the point is that owners of estates enjoy the privilege being identified with the things they possess.
Another form of identification would be that of ability and personal talent where people express their uniqueness as an artist or musician or craftsman. Many will engage in extensive training and preparation to become the best that they can be in a certain field or occupation. Each of these expressions of identity are important in helping communities to become places where all persons are valued and have opportunities to contribute to the betterment of society. Identity becomes more than the basis of personal gain; it becomes the foundation that supports civilization as a whole.
The fact is that God has made you different from everyone else. That does not make you weird but it does make you unique. There are things that you can do that no one else on this planet can accomplish. There are talents and abilities in you that no one else on earth possesses. The question is whether you will use your unique identity to help others who need you and to honor God with those abilities? An even greater question would be “what is my spiritual identity and how do I use that spiritual distinctiveness to further the Gospel of Jesus Christ?” Do I even possess a spiritual identity? To answer that question, you must acknowledge whether you belong to God or do you claim the world as your place of origin. If you have never personally asked God to claim you, then by default you belong to the world. The spiritual identity of anyone who does not belong to the Lord is that you are a sinner. That was my spiritual identity at first, but then I heard the Good News of Jesus Christ and made a decision to accept His plan for my life. For all who accept Christ, they become children of God and have received the gift of eternal life. (John 1:12)
No Spiritual Identification Equals No Spiritual Power
Spiritual identity is essential to the Church for several reasons. In order for people to identify with the Lord Jesus Christ, they must know Him personally if they are to claim any kind of relationship. Another essential for spiritual identity is that a person cannot claim to have abilities and gifts above what God has granted them. Someone may claim to have abilities and gifts but if you never witness any results to demonstrate such claims, that person has a false identification. Such persons may be well intentioned, but they are non-the-less false witnesses of the Holy Spirit’s power. The other essential for spiritual identity is that people would tell and live out the truth. If you recall earlier, in Acts 5, a couple tried to lie about their contribution to the Church and make false statements to the Holy Spirit and they were struck dead as a result of that incident. So, never stop to think that spiritual identity is a trivial matter.
Evidently, a group of itinerant Jews decided they would play around with casting out demons. They thought that there were no threats to exorcisms. They had probably heard of others that were in engaged in that occupation and so in their roaming from place to place they assumed they could try their hand at it. Jesus even acknowledge that there were certain members of the religious leaders who were casting out demons. See Matthew 12:27-28. Jesus went on to say that the only way to drive out demons is by the Spirit of God. It is apparent that these vagabond Jews did not get that particular message and were attempting to do something for which they had no power nor did they have the prompting of God to attempt such a feat. They did not have the spiritual credentials. They did not know Jesus, nor did they know Paul.
There is a close resemblance of these vagabond Jews with Church pretenders who think they can play with God and get away with it. What led them to take such a risk is not known. What we do know is that these vagabond Jews had people in their family that were religious (they were children of a Jewish high priest named Sceva). These itinerant Jews, like some church pretenders had done some background investigation into the life of Jesus and the Apostle Paul. They must have had some sense of appreciation and honor for them to even mention their names. The fact that they could spot a person that was demon possessed also tells us that they probably knew the difference between evil and right. It looked like they were doing something right as they tried to get the demon to leave the person that it was tormenting.
But here is where we have to call it like it is. They were flat out ignorant to attempt anything without praying to God for guidance. Also, if they knew that they didn’t know the Lord, why would they try to pretend? The demons can spot a fake any day. The evil spirits also know when people are weak and vulnerable. And the evil spirit answered and said, “Jesus I know and Paul I know, but who are you” … And the man in whom the evil spirit was, leaped on them and overcame them, and prevailed against them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded. This no doubt was a tragedy that could have been a lot worse, but it could have also been avoided if the people attempting to prove a point had a legitimate identity with God. God would have led them to cast out the demon if they had only prayed and asked for directions. God would have set the demon possessed person free and them also if they would have simply acknowledged Him. Like many Church pretenders, the sons of Sceva were not prepared to face spiritual warfare because they did not possess what they were professing. Simply put: don’t talk it if you’re not walking it.
Possessing Spiritual Credentials from God
This passage presents the Church with some critical opportunities to engage in effective ministry. The fact that there are demons that are attacking people and influencing their lives is something that real Church believers should be engaged in. The passage brings out how Paul was conducting effective ministry and so was Apollos and Aquila and Priscilla. Thankfully, not everyone in the city of Ephesus were playing around with demons with fake spiritual credentials.
There is a second development that happened as a result of the demon possessed person assault on the religious fakes. God was glorified even when men make a fool of themselves. And this was known to all the Jews and Greeks living in Ephesus; and fear fell on them all, and the Name of the Lord Jesus was magnified. Reports of the bungled attempt to cast out demons got around to others in Ephesus. They were commenting on the fact that the Name of Jesus is powerful. Remember the testimony of the demon possessed man is that he knew Jesus. That demon acknowledged that Jesus Name was powerful. That Name is not only the Name that drives out demons, but it is also the Name that brings the sinner to the foot of the Cross. There is no other Name given among men, whereby we must be saved, except the Name of Jesus. Yes, demons tremble at that name but saints also find comfort and joy through that mighty Name.
This brings us to the third development that happened as a result of the encounter between the sons of Sceva and the demon possessed person. People in the city realized that their fake religion did not work. Rather than risking their lives with something that was not real, the Bible states that many brought their fake religious books and other materials and burned them. Acts 19:19. Then the Word of God grew even more powerful in that city. This presents the Church with another incredible opportunity to make God known by sharing with others the truth about Jesus.
There are several valuable take-a-ways from this passage. First, before you attempt to use anything that relates to God, always get God’s permission. By the way, the Name of Jesus is covered by a spiritual copyright. You cannot use the Name if you do not know Him for yourself. Some people use Jesus Christ in frivolous ways rather than with reverence and worship. That use is a copyright infringement. When His Name is used with God’s permission, incredible things happen and God get’s the praise for demonstrating His Holy Power.
Secondly, every child of God should know about the people in the Bible. If demons know your spiritual brothers and sisters of past generations, why don’t you know them. A greater question would be, do you really know Jesus as you should? Get to know Him and find that He is that Rock in a weary land. He is the Good Shepherd. He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Thirdly, if fake folk are attempting to deliver people and drive out demons, what is wrong with the Church. That’s our job. Don’t allow people with fake credentials come into your territory and take your assignment that God has given to you. Mark 16 applies to the Church. Jesus said, “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature” … “and these signs shall follow them that believe: In My Name shall they cast out devils …” It is time for the real Christians to stand up and let the devil know we mean business. But it will take the real spiritual credentials to do that. Show the enemy who you are in Jesus Name.
Fake religion will never work, but when you have been filled with the real joy and power of the Holy Spirit, the evidence will show in your life. While the world around us is being exposed for the fake that it is filled with, it is time for the Real Church to show that God is on our side. Stand up, stand up for Jesus you soldiers of the Cross. Lift high His royal banner, it must not suffer loss. From victory unto victory, His army He will lead; until every foe is vanquished and Christ is Lord indeed. Stand up!