The Name Says it All
21. And she shall bring forth a Son, and you shall call His Name Jesus: for He shall save His people from their sins.
22. Now all this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet saying,
23. “Behold a virgin shall be with Child, and shall bring forth a Son, and they shall call His Name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.”
Matthew 1:21-23
What’s in a Name?
There are a couple of practical reasons why names are given. Names are given to distinguish a person or thing from something else. Names are given to identify a purpose or mission. This is especially true when something or someone will serve a particular purpose. For example, you would want to distinguish between a plumber versus an electrician. If you need a cake for the holidays you certainly would not go to the butcher but rather to the baker. Thus the names are highly significant. Names are also given to signify a relationship with someone or something. There are reasons why you call tools as such. They are used to fix things. A hammer is a tool. Pliers are tools. Wrenches are tools and are used to serve specific purposes. Yet all the tools serve the purpose of fixing things when they break down. But perhaps the most important reason for a name is to fulfill an assignment from God.
With that being said, most of us have common names that serve to distinguish us as a person. Most of us have been given names to signify our relationship with our family. Our names may carry with it some purpose or mission. Only a few have been given names that relate to an assignment or purpose from God. Both Abram and Sarai were given new names by God to fit the promise that was made to them. Abraham was called the “father of many nations” and Sarah was called “mother of nations; kings of people shall be of her.” Genesis 17:15. In other words, the name was given to fulfill the purpose of God. Yet, of all the names that God has assigned to humans, there was no name like the Name of Jesus and Immanuel. Don’t get me wrong. Other people were given those names, but none of them were given those names as an assignment from God. There was only One who would have and who could have fulfilled that purpose, and His Name is Jesus. While other people may be called Immanuel or Jesus, we all agree that there was only One who carried out God’s Plan of Redemption. As a matter of fact Jesus was given those two Names because of the Abundance of God’s Mercy for mankind. Immanuel was given because God wanted to be among us. But there was a problem that prevented that from happening. Mankind was completely sinful and God was completely Holy. So, Jesus was given because He would deliver mankind from their sin. You shall call His Name Jesus: for He shall save His people from their sins. They shall call His Name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us. The Name says it all. It says it all as far as mankind’s need. It says it all as far as God’s everlasting purpose. For that reason, Christmas is more than a manger scene, a Church cantata, happy greetings in the marketplace, and people singing Christmas carols by candle light. Christmas is about the announcement of those two Names over a world that was destined for destruction.
Announcement of the Name
In Jewish culture, the child was to be given a name on the eight day after their birth. Also, according to that culture, the name was to based on the family line as a succession of the family tree. For instance, when John the Baptist was named, some were upset because no one in the family was given the name “John.” But Zacharias spoke up and insisted that “his name shall be called John” based on the visitation of the Angel. See Luke 1:13, 63. The name was given by God according to the mission of God.
When Jesus Name was given, it was given prior to His Birth because of the mission that the Savior was to fulfill. Please note also that the announcement of Jesus’ Name was not given to Mary but to Joseph. Joseph was having some issues with Mary being pregnant and was thinking about secretly breaking his espousal to her. According to Matthew 1:20, the Angel of God spoke to him in a dream and said, “fear not to take unto you Mary your wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit.” The Angel proceeded to give Joseph instructions on naming the Child Jesus. No one else knew this information except Mary and Joseph. No one else knew that God had planned for this child to redeem fallen humanity. This brings us to our first point that comes in the form of a question. What do you know about this Name? Like Joseph, there are so many who don’t understand how their circumstance could somehow fit into God’s Plan. They don’t really understand how the Name Jesus could possibly relate to what they’re facing in their life. Let me be so bold as to say that every problem faced by humans is ultimately linked to sin and the sin nature. We don’t really “get” what God is doing until God shows us His plan. That plan centers totally around Jesus. The more you get to know Jesus, the more you will understand that God is doing something that involves you. Knowing about that Name Jesus, you learn to trust Him. Knowing about that Precious Name, you will begin to understand that He came not just to be a Savior, but your Savior. Knowing about that Name Jesus, you will discover that He is not only Savior but also Lord. Jesus said it in John 14:6, I Am the way, I Am the Truth, and I Am the Life, no one comes to the Father but through Me.
The Angel that announced Jesus Name also referenced a second Name that we don’t use as much but really brings us to the second powerful point. Do you really understand the meaning of Immanuel? When it comes to our personal interpretation of “God with us” many of us think between the two extremes of “God the Cop” and “God the Hero.” Very few of us think in terms of God living with us as a permanent member of our household. People love to call on God when there is an emergency. When Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, and some other holiday comes along, then we think about getting close to God and giving thanks. The concept of God with us means so much more than a temporary presence of the Almighty. For those who think of God as the Great Cop of the Universe, that is a poor understanding of God’s Grace and Mercy. Of course, God hates sin, but that does not mean He hates “you.” God loves you and has committed Jesus to take away your sin so that you would be near God and with God for all eternity. So, Immanuel really means “we are always in God’s Presence.” More than that, it means we are always welcomed into God’s very Heart because of the forgiveness and kindness of Jesus our Lord. There is one other important fact that embraces the Name Immanuel; you will never be separated from the Love of God because of Immanuel.
What do You do With the Name?
It is so wonderful that people reflect on God’s Gift to the world in celebration of Christmas. It is so wonderful that people remember the Child that was born in Bethlehem’s manger. But if the world does not understand His Name and how to use His Name in their life, then you are left only with a religious ceremony. So, in applying the Names that God gave to His Son, there are some important things that every believer must commit to doing.
First, we must honor Immanuel and Jesus as Names that point to one Person. Those are not Names to be used in a frivolous manner. Those Names refer to God in the flesh and should therefore not be taken as phrases we use when we become frustrated by the events in life. How would you like it if your name was used whenever something went wrong? You would be offended of course. The same holds true for our Lord; He loves when we honor His Name in Word, in song, and especially in prayer. The key is to learn to love the Name Jesus. Learn to love the Name Immanuel. When you honor His Name, you are also honoring His Presence.
Second, you and I must apply the Name as a way of life. Obviously, Jesus came to change the way we live. If Jesus came to save me from my sin, then I must follow Him into a new way of living. If Immanuel has come to be with me, then obviously, I must commit to doing things His way. My actions and deeds demand that I pay homage to the One that is living in my heart. Look at it this way. Jesus came to take me out of the bad life and Immanuel is leading me into the good life. It’s the same Jesus. The same is Immanuel and He is fulfilling the purpose of His lovely Name. As John P. Kee worded it, “I’m living this life just to live again.”
Finally, share the Name with the world. We must be careful with the concept of personal Savior and not assume personal means ‘exclusive.’ Someone else needs Jesus. Someone else needs to know Immanuel. Someone else is looking for help from God and needs to understand that if they would call on the Name of the Lord, they shall be saved. When anyone calls on the Name of the Lord, you are combining both the Name Jesus and the Name Immanuel. It is up to the Christians to share with the world, what it means to call on the Name of the Lord. In the Scripture passage, Joseph was commanded to give Jesus that Name. In a similar manner, you and I have been commanded to use the Lord’s Name as we go into the world. Notice how the verse is actually worded. And you shall call His Name Jesus: for He shall save His people from their sins … Behold a virgin shall be with Child, and shall bring forth a Son, and they shall call His Name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us. They shall call His Name. That means that everyone must share what Immanuel is doing and what Immanuel means to them. In that way, we can share the true spirit of Christmas.