Finding Your Way

1.      Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, in the days of Herod the king, behold there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem,

2.      Saying, “Where is He that is born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the east and have come to worship Him.”

Matthew 2:1-2

Directions are required.

It is extremely important to have good directions to help us find our way with everything from travel to installing certain systems. Directions provide instructions and information that guide seekers through a process of finding their way. That being said, the other option is to be lost. Imagine for a moment what it is like to live in the chaotic state of confusion, not having any direction and consequently not having any hope. Here is the Good News: God has come to give us direction. Better still, God has come to personally lead us in The Way of Life. This direction comes through the Only Savior and Lord Jesus Christ.

So, what does it mean to find your way? Let me introduce you to the Wise Men or Magi that came from the East. While there is not much given except what is revealed in Matthew’s Gospel, there are some valuable lessons to be gained from their example of faith and courage. We do know that they traveled a great distance. We also know that they brought treasures with them. We understand that they sought a king, not just any king, but the King of the Jews. What is so incredible about this caravan of seekers is that they came to worship. They understood that the deep abiding hope of every person on the planet is centered around worship. You and I will worship something and that something that you worship will determine whether or not you will wander aimlessly through life or whether you will find the treasure that your heart longs for. That, my friend, will determine if you will find your way.

There are five extremely valuable lessons that every seeker or worshipper can learn from these Magi. The first lesson is to know the goal before you start the journey. The second lesson is to faithfully follow the star. The third lesson is to put in the time to find what you are seeking. The fourth lesson is to ask for directions from the right people. Finally, there is lesson five: don’t tell everything to everyone. While these may sound like simple lessons, it is often the simple lessons that can keep you from failing in your mission to find your way. Much like those obscure wise men, we all find ourselves at a cross road in life. Should I stay where I am or should I seek for something greater? Do I just waste away in my own self or do I look outside myself and try to find my purpose and motivation for living? If you have not asked these questions then you really need to ponder them. Remember this, the great treasures of life are the ones you must seek in order to find.

Taking the Journey of a Lifetime

This message came to me while I was talking with some Church members and they used the phrase “everyone must find their own way.” That not only is a great thought, but it is also a great challenge. When I have the courage to step out of my comfort zone and seek something greater than my own ego, I will enter a path that leads to life. As one person put it, everything starts with a start. Take action and accept the challenge. These Magi probably lived in some comfortable conditions. You might say, they had a lot of things going for them. We can draw that conclusion from the fact that they traveled a great distance and presented their treasures in worship. It takes wealth to be able to do those types of things. So we must ask the question, what prompted them to leave the comfort of their homes and search for something they had never seen before? We are told from the text that they saw something. It was not just something they saw; they saw something that was life changing. In order for something to be life changing it must also prompt an action. In other words, it is not life changing until it changes your direction in life. The Magi saw “His Star in the East.”

The Bible does not reveal how long the Wise Men pondered the star but it does state that when they saw it they took action. They understood the goal prior to embarking on the journey. I have heard people admit they did not know what they were searching for but just wanted to find something different. That way of thinking only leads to disappointment and ultimately, disaster.

For we have seen His star. Those are powerful words. While the Wise Men saw a physical star, this may not be our case. God may reveal His Light in some other form; He may open a door or show us an opportunity that was previously hidden. One thing is certain, you must not simply watch the light – you must follow it. Know the goal prior to starting the journey is the only way to move forward. John’s Gospel tells us that in Him (Jesus) was life and the life was the Light of men. John 1:4. It is more than difficult to find life without Christ, it is utterly impossible. When you know the goal, then you have taken the first critical step and have avoided making yourself the goal. Life is not about being you, doing you, or becoming you. Life is a journey to the Light. That is what the Magi concentrated their efforts on. They did not satisfy themselves with anything else except discovering the source of the Light. O what brilliance that burned in their soul to have seen His Star.

This leads us to the second critical lesson and that is to faithfully follow your star. Ah Yes, here is where many get side tracked. They start fine but after a little while they grow weary of the journey. God is looking for more than starters; He is seeking those who will finish. As a matter of fact, God will make sure that the Light keeps burning brightly so that you can find your way. For we have seen His star in the east and have come … I heard someone say, it is not as important where you come from in life, what’s important is where will you end up. How true. Have you taken time to consider where you will end up? There are literally millions of people who have overcome insurmountable odds by following the star in their life. Following the star means denying yourself in order to move forward. Following the star means staying focused on where you are going rather than where you have been. Following the star means believing in the future enough to overcome every barrier of your past. What about you? Are you following your star?

The third lesson from the Magi demands that you put the time in. This will require you to invest in the future. That simply means that you won’t get your reward until you reach your goal. Not only must we invest in the future, but we must also enlist into something that is worth the time. Our military once had two options for entry into the armed services. You could have been drafted, that is to be required to serve based on involuntary selection. The other option would have been to enlist based on your voluntary commitment to serve. The Magi enlisted. This meant they understood that it would be a long journey so they came prepared. It also meant that it was a journey of endurance so they were determined not to turn back. Today, we have people who say they love Jesus, but as soon as hard times come they entertain the thought of giving up and turning back. For those who have signed up to follow Jesus, giving up is not an option. We’ve come this far by faith, leaning on the Lord. Galatians 6:9, let us not be weary in well-doing: for in due season we shall reap if we do not faint. The Wise Men kept going even on days when they did not feel like it. What about you, are you wise?

What about those times when you are uncertain of where you are going? What about those moments when clouds of doubt will try to block the star? In those time, you must rely on help. Ask directions from the right people. I believe that the Magi were wise in several ways. First, they traveled in a large group. They had enough people with them to protect themselves from harm and danger. You may not be able to recruit a crowd to go with you on your journey but you can depend on God to be with you. Another way the Magi endured those uncertain times was to ask for directions. We are not sure how many times they had to stop and ask people, but we do know they asked when they arrived at Jerusalem. Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, in the days of Herod the king, behold there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem. They did not allow pride or their own assumptions to keep them from asking advice of others. The key is to ask the right people. I, for one, believe that God will send you to the right people. Of course the Magi asked the king and his counselors, but they only gave general directions. Here is the good news. When they left the counsel of the king, the same star that led them on their journey reappeared so that they would be led them to find the Christ. Matthew 2:9. Later, it was revealed to them that they should not return to the king but go back to their own land another way. What was that all about? It was God’s Way of warning them of Herod’s evil intentions.

This brings us to the fifth and final lesson. You cannot and must not tell your business to everyone. The Magi were wise to come on their journey, but they were much wiser after they had seen Jesus the Christ. When you start walking with Jesus, you become wise in the ways of the Lord. Just because you get it is no guarantee that everyone else will get it. I know that we have all been told, when you find something good you need to tell everybody. I know we have been told to go tell it on the mountain, over the hills and everywhere. I know. But in this case, the Lord warned the wise men in a dream to not go back to the king. So when is it wise to not tell everything to everybody? First, only tell if God tells you to tell it. Second, you can preach to the devil and he is not going to change. Third, don’t tell it unless you know the whole story. Fourth, don’t tell it simply to make yourself look important. Then lastly, do not tell something if it will cause more harm than good. Sadly, many of us have wasted good time trying to convince bad people who have no intention of doing right.

In conclusion, we must learn these lessons from the Wise Men. Know the goal before you start the journey. Faithfully follow the star or the Light of GodPut in the time to find what you are seeking.  Ask for directions from the right people; better yet, Ask God. Finally, don’t tell everything to everyone. These lessons will not only make you wise in life, but they will also lead you on a successful journey to see Christ for yourself.