Sermon Series: The Winning Way
For we are God’s Workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God has before ordained that we should walk in them.
Ephesians 2:10
Walking to Live
Learning how to walk is one of the very basic activities essential to survival. Medical experts tell us that walking contributes to cardiovascular health. Walking boosts the immune system and ultimately helps to fight off disease. Walking helps to strengthen the bones and reduces the risk of osteoporosis and other conditions. It also supports the digestive system and bodily functions. You could go as far as to say that walking helps you win some important physical victories. So why aren’t more people walking?
Humans are creatures of comfort. If there is a way to make life easier, then that is the goal. If you don’t have to walk then why do it? Over the centuries, human ingenuity has created assistive technology to reduce the need for walking. First, there was the use of animals. Humans learned to depend on animals for their transportation which made walking less of a necessity. This transitioned into the use of machinery and other inventions that not only replaced the need for walking but also made it possible to travel great distances. While we have certainly made tremendous strides to make life easier, it could be questionable if we have improved that much.
When I visited my primary care physician, she informed me that some of my numbers were in the abnormal range. She offered a couple of recommendations that would improve my health outcomes. One suggestion was to subscribe some medications that would address the problem. Can you guess what was the other recommendation? You guessed correctly: walking.
While the physical walk has many benefits, it pales in comparison to the need to walk spiritually. There are no assistive devices that can help you walk faster, longer, or to replace your need for the spiritual walk. God has hard-wired the need to walk into the believer’s life. The consequences of not walking is harsh but simple. If you don’t walk – you won’t survive. Yes, your spiritual survival depends on your ability to walk and to walk correctly. The good news is that the walking is not left solely up to you. It was God’s plan from the beginning to teach you how to walk and then to walk with you in this journey that we call life.
When we speak of survival, this is not due to the threats or challenges that might be encountered. This has to do with experiencing the fullness of God. This walk has to do with the walk that leads to greater knowledge of The Lord’s Will. This walk has to do with victory over the struggles and obstacles. The only way to achieve that level of experiencing God is that you must walk with Him. Sitting down is not an option. Giving up is not an option. Complaining is not an option. And going back is definitely not an option. If you want to know victory in your life – you must walk forward. Walking is God’s creative purpose for the child of God. For we are God’s Workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God has before ordained that we should walk in them.
What happened to Israel? They were willing to march out of Egypt, but soon gave up in the wilderness. They started looking at the circumstances and started considering where they were rather than where they were going. The Bible even said they had the “Cloud of God’s Presence” with them but they were not committed to their walk to the Promised Land. What about you today? Have you stopped walking because of your situations and challenges? Please don’t give up. Don’t let anything hinder you from obeying God and moving forward in your walk with Christ.
Check Your Walk
For we are God’s Workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God has before ordained that we should walk in them. It is clear from this verse, that God has designed the believer to walk in His Power. This is not some casual stroll in the park or brisk activity to reduce weight. You and I are representing God. We are His Workmanship and what we do reflects on God’s Character. In today’s culture of anything goes, there are many claiming to know the Lord but are not walking with the Lord. Clearly, they don’t take God’s Word seriously because they justify their “shaky and shabby walk” but saying that Holiness is outdated. Many claim that God’s Love permits them to walk in sin and weakness rather than walking in Power and Victory in Christ. Clearly, the Bible has declared that we are created in Christ Jesus unto good works. That statement rules out any notion that would give us permission walk in sin and the lust of the flesh. The child of God needs to check their walk. Are you walking in the Power of God or are you making excuses to walk your own way. It happened with the Camp of Israel in the wilderness. The Scripture says that they were destroyed in the wilderness because they walked contrary to the Will of God.
Here is the Good News about this walk. First, God created you to be a part of this winning walk. For we are God’s Workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God has before ordained that we should walk in them. When you and I came to faith in Christ Jesus, God started working on your walk. The passage goes further to state that you are God’s Workmanship. The Greek word refers to something that is made. This simply means it is God who makes you His masterpiece. It is not up to you to create your own design, but it is totally up to God.
Second, God used the fabric or material substance of His Own Son to shape you and make you into a new creation. Don’t be tempted to think that your own image is good enough because God will not accept what you create nor will God accept your walk as the Winning Way. You are created in Christ Jesus unto good works. Of course that is going to rule out everything you thought you were and what you thought you would be, but you will become something far more glorious as that new creature in Christ. Let your walk be modeled after Christ. Don’t allow the world to squeeze you into the image it has of victory and success. Don’t allow the money model to become your motivation to walk in this life. Don’t allow selfishness and vain glory become your walking goal. You are created in Christ Jesus unto good works.
Thirdly, God expects us to walk in this Way. When The Almighty developed the plan, He planned that we would also follow it to completion. So, don’t go halfway and then think that is going to be the victory. God expects you to complete the walk. For we are God’s Workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God has before ordained that we should walk in them.
Making the Most of Your Walk With God
Would you not agree that God wants us to enjoy our walk with Him and for Him? Wouldn’t you agree that it should be a victorious walk? Wouldn’t you also agree that it is a secure walk? Isn’t it a blessed walk? Isn’t it a walk that leads us through the valleys of struggle and valleys of death and safely to our destination? That is the walk that is set before the child of God. For that reason, we should make it a good walk. Just how do we accomplish that?
There are five key factors that will help us maintain that Great Walk or what we would say is that Winning Walk. First, we must walk in the Light. Walk in the Light as He is in the Light. 1 John 1:7, but if we walk in the Light as He is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the Blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin. The Light illuminates the path for God’s Word is a Light to a pathway and a lamp unto our feet. That Light will keep you from stumbling in the dark. That Light will help you to maintain your pace. That Light will guide you as you go forward. Therefore, walking in the Light is that Winning Walk.
Secondly, the child of God must have an upright walk. Psalm 84:11, No good thing will God withhold from those who walk uprightly. Many people love the first part of that verse but miss the second part. If you are seeking God’s good things then walk uprightly and it will lead you there. Walking uprightly is the Winning Walk.
Third, the child of God must walk by faith and not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7. This means you must believe God every step of the way. You must trust that He knows what is best even when you are unable to see the outcome – but you can see the Lord by faith. Walking by faith is the Winning Walk.
The fourth factor is to walk in Love. The walk must also embrace Love. Ephesians 5:2, walk in Love, as Christ also has loved us, and has given Himself for us. Love God, love others, and love yourself. Know that no matter what happens, God still loves you and has given you the ability to love others. Walking in God’s Love is the Winning Walk.
The fifth factor and most critical one is to walk with the Lord. Jesus has said that He will never leave us nor forsake us. He has also promised that He will be with us forever. Matthew 28:20. That means that we will never encounter a moment when the Lord is not walking with us. Whether it is in good times or bad, God is there. Whether we face heartache or happiness, God is there. Your winning walk is not determined by your own strength, your own plan, or your own desire. Your winning walk depends solely on the fact that God is with you. As the old saints would say, “if it had not been for the Lord on my side – I would not have made it.”
A wonderful example of the winning walk is given by the man Enoch. The Bible does not say very much about this man except for the fact that “Enoch walked with God and was not for God took him.” Genesis 5:22. Obviously Enoch had other options for walking partners but chose to have that daily walk with God. One day, as they were walking Enoch kept walking until He went home to be with God. Allow that to be your walking plan for that is the Winning Walk.
The Winning Walk
Sermon Series: The Winning Way
For we are God’s Workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God has before ordained that we should walk in them.
Ephesians 2:10
Walking to Live
Learning how to walk is one of the very basic activities essential to survival. Medical experts tell us that walking contributes to cardiovascular health. Walking boosts the immune system and ultimately helps to fight off disease. Walking helps to strengthen the bones and reduces the risk of osteoporosis and other conditions. It also supports the digestive system and bodily functions. You could go as far as to say that walking helps you win some important physical victories. So why aren’t more people walking?
Humans are creatures of comfort. If there is a way to make life easier, then that is the goal. If you don’t have to walk then why do it? Over the centuries, human ingenuity has created assistive technology to reduce the need for walking. First, there was the use of animals. Humans learned to depend on animals for their transportation which made walking less of a necessity. This transitioned into the use of machinery and other inventions that not only replaced the need for walking but also made it possible to travel great distances. While we have certainly made tremendous strides to make life easier, it could be questionable if we have improved that much.
When I visited my primary care physician, she informed me that some of my numbers were in the abnormal range. She offered a couple of recommendations that would improve my health outcomes. One suggestion was to subscribe some medications that would address the problem. Can you guess what was the other recommendation? You guessed correctly: walking.
While the physical walk has many benefits, it pales in comparison to the need to walk spiritually. There are no assistive devices that can help you walk faster, longer, or to replace your need for the spiritual walk. God has hard-wired the need to walk into the believer’s life. The consequences of not walking is harsh but simple. If you don’t walk – you won’t survive. Yes, your spiritual survival depends on your ability to walk and to walk correctly. The good news is that the walking is not left solely up to you. It was God’s plan from the beginning to teach you how to walk and then to walk with you in this journey that we call life.
When we speak of survival, this is not due to the threats or challenges that might be encountered. This has to do with experiencing the fullness of God. This walk has to do with the walk that leads to greater knowledge of The Lord’s Will. This walk has to do with victory over the struggles and obstacles. The only way to achieve that level of experiencing God is that you must walk with Him. Sitting down is not an option. Giving up is not an option. Complaining is not an option. And going back is definitely not an option. If you want to know victory in your life – you must walk forward. Walking is God’s creative purpose for the child of God. For we are God’s Workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God has before ordained that we should walk in them.
What happened to Israel? They were willing to march out of Egypt, but soon gave up in the wilderness. They started looking at the circumstances and started considering where they were rather than where they were going. The Bible even said they had the “Cloud of God’s Presence” with them but they were not committed to their walk to the Promised Land. What about you today? Have you stopped walking because of your situations and challenges? Please don’t give up. Don’t let anything hinder you from obeying God and moving forward in your walk with Christ.
Check Your Walk
For we are God’s Workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God has before ordained that we should walk in them. It is clear from this verse, that God has designed the believer to walk in His Power. This is not some casual stroll in the park or brisk activity to reduce weight. You and I are representing God. We are His Workmanship and what we do reflects on God’s Character. In today’s culture of anything goes, there are many claiming to know the Lord but are not walking with the Lord. Clearly, they don’t take God’s Word seriously because they justify their “shaky and shabby walk” but saying that Holiness is outdated. Many claim that God’s Love permits them to walk in sin and weakness rather than walking in Power and Victory in Christ. Clearly, the Bible has declared that we are created in Christ Jesus unto good works. That statement rules out any notion that would give us permission walk in sin and the lust of the flesh. The child of God needs to check their walk. Are you walking in the Power of God or are you making excuses to walk your own way. It happened with the Camp of Israel in the wilderness. The Scripture says that they were destroyed in the wilderness because they walked contrary to the Will of God.
Here is the Good News about this walk. First, God created you to be a part of this winning walk. For we are God’s Workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God has before ordained that we should walk in them. When you and I came to faith in Christ Jesus, God started working on your walk. The passage goes further to state that you are God’s Workmanship. The Greek word refers to something that is made. This simply means it is God who makes you His masterpiece. It is not up to you to create your own design, but it is totally up to God.
Second, God used the fabric or material substance of His Own Son to shape you and make you into a new creation. Don’t be tempted to think that your own image is good enough because God will not accept what you create nor will God accept your walk as the Winning Way. You are created in Christ Jesus unto good works. Of course that is going to rule out everything you thought you were and what you thought you would be, but you will become something far more glorious as that new creature in Christ. Let your walk be modeled after Christ. Don’t allow the world to squeeze you into the image it has of victory and success. Don’t allow the money model to become your motivation to walk in this life. Don’t allow selfishness and vain glory become your walking goal. You are created in Christ Jesus unto good works.
Thirdly, God expects us to walk in this Way. When The Almighty developed the plan, He planned that we would also follow it to completion. So, don’t go halfway and then think that is going to be the victory. God expects you to complete the walk. For we are God’s Workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God has before ordained that we should walk in them.
Making the Most of Your Walk With God
Would you not agree that God wants us to enjoy our walk with Him and for Him? Wouldn’t you agree that it should be a victorious walk? Wouldn’t you also agree that it is a secure walk? Isn’t it a blessed walk? Isn’t it a walk that leads us through the valleys of struggle and valleys of death and safely to our destination? That is the walk that is set before the child of God. For that reason, we should make it a good walk. Just how do we accomplish that?
There are five key factors that will help us maintain that Great Walk or what we would say is that Winning Walk. First, we must walk in the Light. Walk in the Light as He is in the Light. 1 John 1:7, but if we walk in the Light as He is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the Blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin. The Light illuminates the path for God’s Word is a Light to a pathway and a lamp unto our feet. That Light will keep you from stumbling in the dark. That Light will help you to maintain your pace. That Light will guide you as you go forward. Therefore, walking in the Light is that Winning Walk.
Secondly, the child of God must have an upright walk. Psalm 84:11, No good thing will God withhold from those who walk uprightly. Many people love the first part of that verse but miss the second part. If you are seeking God’s good things then walk uprightly and it will lead you there. Walking uprightly is the Winning Walk.
Third, the child of God must walk by faith and not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7. This means you must believe God every step of the way. You must trust that He knows what is best even when you are unable to see the outcome – but you can see the Lord by faith. Walking by faith is the Winning Walk.
The fourth factor is to walk in Love. The walk must also embrace Love. Ephesians 5:2, walk in Love, as Christ also has loved us, and has given Himself for us. Love God, love others, and love yourself. Know that no matter what happens, God still loves you and has given you the ability to love others. Walking in God’s Love is the Winning Walk.
The fifth factor and most critical one is to walk with the Lord. Jesus has said that He will never leave us nor forsake us. He has also promised that He will be with us forever. Matthew 28:20. That means that we will never encounter a moment when the Lord is not walking with us. Whether it is in good times or bad, God is there. Whether we face heartache or happiness, God is there. Your winning walk is not determined by your own strength, your own plan, or your own desire. Your winning walk depends solely on the fact that God is with you. As the old saints would say, “if it had not been for the Lord on my side – I would not have made it.”
A wonderful example of the winning walk is given by the man Enoch. The Bible does not say very much about this man except for the fact that “Enoch walked with God and was not for God took him.” Genesis 5:22. Obviously Enoch had other options for walking partners but chose to have that daily walk with God. One day, as they were walking Enoch kept walking until He went home to be with God. Allow that to be your walking plan for that is the Winning Walk.