Impossible Situations
Jesus, when He had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost.
Matthew 27:50
When Superheroes Falls
Who is your favorite superhero? Is it Superman, Batman, or perhaps Black Panther or Superwoman? Believe it or not, everyone has a superhero. It may not be one of the comic book characters; it may just be a family member or friend who seems to always find a way to save the day.
There are a couple of things about superheroes that we need to highlight. First, they always defeat their enemy. Sometimes the enemy will have a secret weapon to destroy and cause much damage, but that secret weapon is rendered powerless by our superhero. No matter how fierce the battle or intense the situation might be, our superhero always wins.
Another thing about superheroes is that they seem to always find a way to get out of trouble. Their stronger, smarter, and more innovative when it comes to problem solving and getting past the traps in life. When we watch the movie or read about our superhero, it seems they are always prepared to face the worst and overcome it. We always celebrate when they save the day with their super powers.
Not only do our superheroes defeat enemies and get out of difficult situations, but they also always save the helpless people from the villains. They always rescue those who depend on them. It could be that the victim is in a hopeless situation but all of a sudden, the superhero shows up and sweeps them away to safety. True superheroes genuinely care about people.
I recall in one of the episodes of my superhero, the story was intense and it seemed that the evil villain was about to inflict great harm. Then as I turned the page to read about the outcome, the caption read, “TO BE Continued.” My heart sank because I wanted to know the ending. The next time my parents took us to our local store, I headed straight for the comic book section to find the latest issue. Then I picked up where the other story had ended. As I expected, the superhero not only came through, but performed an impossible task of overcoming the enemy.
May I just say that our true Superhero Jesus, left us with what looked like, an impossible situation. The Friday showdown left the Christian community in terrible straights. There was Jesus Christ, God’s Anointed, God’s Only Son, The Savior of Sinners, The Prince of Peace, The Ruler of the World, hanging on a cross. The Holy Hands that worked miracles is now nailed to the Tree. The Blessed Feet that brought the Good News is now nailed to the wood that He made. This was no comic book episode. This was the real event that had been predicted by the Prophets of the Old Testament. Jesus was not accompanied by His Disciples, but rather hanging between two thieves. The Friend of Sinners is now dying among sinners. His enemies taunted Him, the soldiers gambled for His clothes, as the darkness approached to hide the shame. Was all hope gone? Would the matter end with Jesus dying? And then the final moment came. Jesus, when He had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the spirit. He died. Yes, the Savior bowed His Holy Head and breathed His last. With such force was His death that rocks began to break apart, there was a violent earthquake. With such violence was His death that the veil of the Temple was torn from top to bottom. With such force was His death that the pagan Roman soldier cried in fear, “Truly this was the Son of God.”
Yes, it was Friday. On Friday they checked to see if He had any life. Rather than breaking His legs, they pierced His side and there came water and blood. On Friday, Joseph of Arimathea requested the Body of Jesus so he could bury the Lord in his new tomb. That was Friday. On Friday, they took Jesus down from the cross. On Friday, they wrapped Him up with clean linen. On Friday, they lay Jesus in that tomb that had been hewn out in the rock. There they laid the Rock of Ages. There they laid The Lord of Glory. There they laid the Blessed Hope and Bright and Morning Star. That was Friday. Everything seemed to be utterly hopeless. This was an impossible situation.
Other Situations
One of the railers at Jesus’ crucifixion said something that bears repeating. It is recorded in Matthew 27:42, He saved others … Himself He cannot save. That statement was true in that even though Jesus had authority to save Himself, He did not exercise that authority. He could have called for twelve thousand angels to rescue Him from the suffering of the Cross but He would not do it. His death was not for Himself only. Jesus was dying for all humanity. Even though our Christ died a solitary death it was also a substitutionary death. He took every sinner’s place. God did not spare Jesus but laid upon Him the iniquity and the punishment of us all. He died such a horrific death that He asked, My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me?
Yes, He had delivered many from perils but Himself He would not deliver. Jesus in His Old Testament visitation delivered the entire nation of Israel from bondage in Egypt. He brought them out of their cruel slavery and set them free. That is what a Good God does. Jesus fed them when they were in the wilderness. He led them every step of the way to the Promised Land. When they ran out of water, He was the Rock that supplied them with water. When they needed air conditioning in the desert, Jesus was that cloudy pillar that shaded them from the scorching heat. That is what a good God does. He was their Way Maker and Provider.
In one of the movies about Batman, the superhero died in order to save the City of Gotham from destruction. The movie ended with the choosing of another Batman. But for the Christian Community, there is no other Jesus. God will not give any replacement for His Only Begotten Son. The Christians were in a terrible situation on Friday, but little did they realize that Sunday morning was on its way. They Disciples had forgotten what Jesus said. They forgot that He told them that He would die and would be dead for three days. But then on the third day, He would rise again. That part they forgot.
Some have forgotten that Jesus promised He would rise again. So they go about their life thinking that all hope is gone. If you feel that your future has no hope and that everything is meaningless, you are still stuck on Friday. If you have failed and feel as if you can turn to no one for help. You are still stuck on Friday. Some have been victims of the violence of this world and feel as if they are caught in a perpetual Friday. I have good news – Sunday morning is here. It is time to rise above every situation. It is time to get out of the Friday thinking. Jesus has risen and He has raised you up as well.
What do you need to do to experience the Resurrection of Jesus? The answer is given in the Scripture. It is physically impossible to go and view the Tomb where Jesus once was laid. You can, however, read from His Word and believe.
First, believe why Jesus died. Most will acknowledge Jesus death but have not associated His death with their sin. As we said earlier, His death was substitutionary. He did that for every person on planet Earth. John 3:16, For God so loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him, shall not perish but have everlasting life. Embracing that truth gives you the assurance that your sins are forgiven and that God has provided Salvation to all.
Second, confess Jesus Christ as your Savior. Romans 10:9, If you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved. Confession means you must acknowledge Jesus Christ personally and trust Him as your Lord and God.
Third, receive God’s Holy Spirit so that you can be a witness for Him. That means to tell others what Christ has done for you. Acts 1:8, But you will receive Power after the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be witnesses unto Me both in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and to the uttermost part of the Earth. Tell others about God and how He has delivered you from darkness. Tell of all the marvelous things that God has performed in your life. That is real witnessing.
Yes, our Super God has risen from the dead and by His Resurrection, He conquered our enemy Death. He died and rose that we might live in Him. Jesus, our Super God has saved the day.