When Wisdom Answers

The Riches of God’s Wisdom – Part 2

If any of you lack wisdom, let them ask of God, that gives to all people generously, and without finding fault, and it shall be given. James 1:5

Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore, get wisdom: and with all your getting get understanding. Proverbs 4:7

Admission of Wisdom

Make no mistake about it, God’s Wisdom is a most powerful gift. God gives wisdom to anyone who asks. According to James 1:5, admission of wisdom actually works two ways. First, we admit that we lack wisdom. This becomes evident when the various trials of life appear out of nowhere and threaten the believer’s life. Rather than thinking through the process or assuming that we have it all together, it is better to admit what we don’t know. That is one part of admitting.

The second aspect of admission is to ask for wisdom. James tells us to ask God for wisdom.Many recognize that they don’t have wisdom, which is a critical point in one’s life. Knowing the need does nothing to alleviate the need. If you lack wisdom, something must be done about that need. The solution is to ask God. Sound’s simple and yet there could be weeks, months, and even years before people turn to the Living God for help. This goes back to the same problem people have with admitting their sin. The truth is most people don’t want to admit they are sinners. Then, with the admission of sin, many are not prepared to do anything about the sin. Sadly, there are many who choose to live with it rather than to deal with it. James is encouraging the believer to act. There is no need to prolong the process and think the lack of wisdom will simply go away or remedy itself. That will not happen. What will happen is that the situation will get worse, and the believer will run out of time and opportunities to bring the need to God. How many times have you and I waited until it was too late to change the outcome. One person put it this way, “there is no need to buy insurance when the house is on fire.”

The Workings of Wisdom

God’s wisdom is such a wonderful resource that it cannot be replaced, nor is it something to be treated lightly. There are several key things that the Apostle James reveals about God’s wisdom. When the child of God prays for the Wisdom of God, they are not asking God for His opinion on the matter, they are asking God for His perfect plan. This wisdom is so rich that it is valued more than gold, silver, rubies, or diamonds. In other words, it is priceless.

James list the key things about wisdom in that it is given to anyone who makes the request. Number one on the list is the fact that God gives to all or anyone who asks for the wisdom. Number two in the granting of wisdom is the fact that God gives generously. The wisdom God gives is boundless or without limits. God gives the wisdom that you need and more than enough. It is the same idea that comes from Psalm 23:5, Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of my enemies; Thou anointest my head with oil, my cup runneth over. It carries with it the truth that God blesses the believer abundantly. Jesus said, I came that you may have life and have it more abundantly. That principle applies to God’s wisdom. When it comes to God, His outpourings are not minimal amounts. Wisdom comes in sizeable portions because of where the wisdom comes from. It comes from the Lord God.

So, God gives wisdom to all. He gives wisdom generously. James informs us that God gives wisdom but does not upbraid or find fault. God does not scold us for lacking wisdom, even when it is our fault. God does not accuse us even when the need for wisdom is something we caused. That is Mercy! God looks beyond our fault and sees our need. The Old Testament Scriptures give a wonderful example of God granting wisdom to those who get themselves in trouble.

In 1 Samuel 30, David and his men returned from the land of the Philistines (a place they should not have been in the first place) to Ziklag only to find their town had been burned down. They wept until they had no more strength and some of David’s men wanted to stone him because they were so upset. But David encouraged himself in the Lord his God. 1 Sam. 30:6. David also asked God for wisdom and guidance as to what they needed to do. God’s Wisdom gave David his answer. “Pursue: for you shall surely overtake them, and without fail, recover all.” The point is, God gave David wisdom without upbraiding and scolding. They won the victory because God gave them the instructions they needed for victory without rebuke. That’s God’s Wisdom!

Just to keep us on point with God’s Wisdom, we found that God gives wisdom to everyone. God gives wisdom in abundance. God gives wisdom without finding fault or scolding the one who needs it. This last point is so wonderful, James says, “It shall be given.” I call that, the right answer. Today, there are people looking for answers, but all I need is one answer: God’s answer. I don’t want opinions, theories, or concepts; I need the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. I need God’s answer.

God’s Wisdom Conquers the War of Words

People are so confused today, not from the lack of information, but rather from the war of disinformation, the war of misinformation, and the war of outright lies. Today, people will lie to you for no reason. One contemporary writer said, “truth has fallen on hard times.” If people can use information to their advantage, then they are no longer responsible for their actions. If people can get others to believe a lie, then the lie will be the new norm and the new way of life. Meanwhile, many are led down the path of destruction believing that they are going in the right direction. They believe that their leaders are telling them the truth, when the truth is, the leaders have not asked God for His Wisdom. If there is one thing I have learned from my time on this planet it is that you will never know until you ask. Along with that, you will never know what is right until you ask the right person. Even more than that, you will never know God’s answer until you ask God for His wisdom.

It is too late in the day to ask for options. The clock is running down, and we are fast approaching our own destruction. We have no other choice but to ask God for His will and His way. If any of you lack wisdom, let them ask of God, that gives to all people generously, and without finding fault, and it shall be given.  The great news is that God will give His wisdom. Be prepared to receive not many answers but the right answer.

A funny thing happens when God’s Wisdom is introduced; people don’t see it as the right answer for them. That is why the Bible says, let them ask in faith (not with reasoning, questions, or doubts). You must believe that it is God speaking and it will be God helping you to carry it out. God gives wisdom, but you must act on that wisdom.

If you listen to God, wisdom will answer. Wisdom answers the why in life. A young man by the name of Daniel asked for wisdom. He and his companions were about to be destroyed with the other “wisemen” of Babylon when the king did not understand a dream he had. Yet Daniel and his three countrymen prayed that the God of Heaven would give them the answer, and it was given. According to Daniel 2:47, the king said, “of a truth, your God is a God of gods, and a Lord of kings, and a revealer of secrets.” God gave the answer, and Daniel and his companions received it from God.

Wisdom also answers the question of how in life. People don’t understand their circumstances and ultimately don’t know how to respond when things happen. They are thrown into a fit of confusion with questions of how am I going to make, how do I get up, and how this will work out? Proverbs 4:7, tells us wisdom is the principal thing; therefore, get wisdom: and with all your getting get understanding. That is when you and I need to call on God and He will show you how. The emergency response system advises that we call “911 if this is an emergency.” But this verse tells us, wisdom is the principal thing. That means it is the Number 1 priority. Call on the Name of Jesus no matter what the situation and He will show you how you can make it. Jesus said in John 4:6, I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no one comes to the Father but by Me. Jesus will give you the answer you are seeking.

Lastly, Wisdom answers the what questions. What is this? What is happening to me? What will I do now? Wisdom will tell you and will explain everything to you. God gives His answer. When the Disciples were with Jesus in the desert, Jesus asked them to prepare for the multitude. All they could find was two small fish and five loaves of bread, so they asked, what are these among so many. John 6:9. By the end of the day, Jesus had answered their “what question.” He fed a multitude of five thousand with that small portion. Think of what God can do with your life if you would simply ask for wisdom. Ask and you shall receive. But you must ask.