Staying Strong in the Lord
Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the Power of His Might.
Ephesians 6:10
The Source of Strength
What type of strength should we pray for, seek, and pursue for our Christian? We all know that the need for strength depends on the threat or demand at the present time. Please note, strength is needed for the present time. Yesterday’s strength is of no use. Strength for tomorrow is still in its potential form; it too has no use for the current need. We must also consider the current need. The need for strength in business would be much different for the strength needed to handle a family matter; the need for strength to help someone in need will also be much different than the strength needed to face a personal matter. If I were to develop an equation for strength, I would use the letter ‘X” for the variable, but then I would have to know the source of strength which could also be a variable ‘Y’ unless I know where my strength comes from. The equation would look something like this X + Y = Strength, which could not be solved because of the two variables unless one of the variable is known.
While this ‘equation stuff’ may sound trite and superficial, it is not because of constant threats to our safety. The truth is, we are faced with many types of trials that are not only unknown, but sometimes are undetected until they have impacted our lives and caused harm. That’s a fact. It is also true that some folks don’t know where they can find the strength they need. This was not a problem for many in the Bible, for in their time of crisis, they found strength in The Lord God.
The Apostle Paul revealed to the believer that there is only one Source of true strength: the Lord God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1. For the believer, Faith + God = Strength. Rather than focusing on the threats and problems of life, Paul shifted the focus to finding Strength in God. In this way, the believer is always abounding in their faith, always trusting that God will not only provide, but give them victory over every circumstance, trial, and struggle they face. Faith plus God always equals Strength in God.
Throughout the Bible, God’s Strength has been the sustaining power that has kept God’s prophets, kings, and servants as they journeyed toward their destiny. God’s strength kept Abram as he departed from his native land in search of the Celestial City that God had promised. It was God’s strength that gave him the confidence to face armies when they threatened to take his loved ones captive. Abram and Sarai relied on the Strength of God for help, and they were able to conceive and give birth to Isaac. God blessed Abram and Sarai by changing their names as a result of God’s Strength.
Sampson relied on God’s Strength in a physical way to route the Philistines and to be a judge in Israel for forty years. The enemies taunted Sampson and asked, “tell us where your strength comes from.” Those enemies knew that Sampson’s source of strength did not come from earthly means. Even when Sampson sinned and lost his sight as a result of his unfaithfulness, God gave him strength to endure a final battle. God gave Sampson his strength and God will give every believer strength for their assignment.
What do we do with God’s Strength?
Jack Hayford, author and minister, said many years ago that God’s Promised Land for the believer is not only a place of blessing and beginnings, but also a place of battle where we are called to contend for the faith. When Christians read the Book of Ephesians, they are to be filled with awe that they are seated in Heavenly Places in Christ, but they also must be reminded that they are still living in a cruel and vicious world. The Apostle Paul reminds us that even as we are now in Christ, we remain in a world that is filled with evil. His directive is that we stay strong in the Lord. Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the Power of His Might.
Now is not the time to let down the guard and assume that all is well because we are saved, sanctified, and filled with the Spirit. The world has declared war on the Saints, and we are in the battle of our lives. Yes, we serve in the place God Promised, His Church, but that place must be defended by only one source of Power. The Power of His Might.
Recall when Nehemiah was sent back to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. He had orders from the king of Persian empire to rebuild the walls, but he faced opposition and threats from the surrounding countries and defectors from his own people. Nehemiah met great opposition even though he had the full support of the Persian king. Rather than trust the Persian empire for strength, Nehemiah relied on God’s strength. Deep in his heart he knew that God had called him for that task and regardless of the threats of the enemy, they would succeed in God’s assignment. At one point, Nehemiah and his fellow believers would carry both the sword and work tools on the job site. The work tools were for the rebuilding of the wall, but the sword was for protection from the enemies. God was Nehemiah’s Strength.
As God’s Church in perilous times, we too must depend on God’s Strength to keep us moving forward in our faith. The question is: how do we stay strong in the Lord? I believe Paul gives us five things to consider as we stay strong in the Lord. We must seek God as our Source of Strength, be secure in God’s Strength, have a strategy for using God’s Strength, stand in God’s Strength, and finally be satisfied with God’s Strength.
Staying Strong
Paul reminds us that God must be our Source of strength if we are to win in this battle. Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the Power of His Might. This all comes down to the question of our relationship with God. Are we as close to God as we could be and should be? When Paul uses the term strong in the Lord, that is exactly what he means. As believers, we are to be “in Christ.” The Divine Oneness applies to us. God is in us, and we are in God. Then when things happen in life (as they always do) we are not struggling to find our faith. Paul explains how we are in Christ in Ephesians 2:13, but now in Christ Jesus, you who sometimes were far off are made night by the Blood of Christ.
In the Old Testament, some suggested to King David that he look to the hills around Jerusalem for his strength. His reply was, “my help comes from the Lord.” When troubles and battles take place in life, we should not have to find God nor question where is God. God is our very present help in trouble. (Ps. 46:1) God is the Source of our Strength.
Paul also tells us that we are secure in God’s Strength. Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the Power of His Might. Make no mistake about it, our God is the Almighty and there is no one else. So often, because of the threat we are tempted to believe that the threat is bigger than God. Can this happen? Yes. It happened to Israel when they faced off against the Philistines in the battle at Elah valley. When the Israelite army heard the taunts of Goliath, they all ran. They were insecure in their faith. When little David showed up, who was secure in his faith, he demonstrated what it meant to stand against the evil with God’s Strength. He testified to the giant, “you have come against me with sword and spear, but I come against you in the Name of the Lord of Hosts.” 1 Samuel 17:45. David was secure in God’s Strength. If believers are to stay strong in the Lord, they must be confident that God is their Strength.
Thirdly, the believer must have a strategy for being Strong in the Lord. No, I am not referring to having our own battle plan as much as I am talking about having your own battle cry. God has the plan, but we as believers, must have the praise. In the military, we would have march tunes or songs that we sung while performing drills. They were also called cadence to keep the soldiers in step. The cadence for Christians is memorizing and reciting the Word of God in battle. What the enemy wants you to do is to recite the problem and the difficulties. But reciting God’s Word does something in your spirit that keeps you strong in the Lord. For example, when some faced fear, they quoted Psalm 23. When some are faced with disease, they quoted Psalm 91. Releasing God’s Word into your own heart gives you Strength. Remember there is nothing more powerful than God’s Word and it will not return void. Be strong in the Lord and in the Power of His Might.
We must also stand in God’s Strength. Paul said the evil day will come, and we must stand in God’s Strength as people of God. Put on the full armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. Eph. 6:11. Here is the point; there is no power in the armor if there is no strength for the one in the armor. If you cannot conquer the fear in your own heart, how will you stand against the devil?
A funny thing happened when King Saul of the OT wanted to put David into his armor. David’s confidence was not in the armor; his confidence was in the Lord. Get this, to not have armor would be to go into battle without any protection from the giant. But David’s protection was in God as he stood in God’s Strength. The confidence to stand is God’s Strength.
Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the Power of His Might. The final application of God’s Strength is be satisfied with God’s Strength. There will always be some urge of the flesh or recommendation of people to try something new. In Paul’s day, as in ours, there will always be some new idea, method, or approach to solving life’s problems. Others will invite you to follow those new fads. Don’t go there. Resist the temptation to find something new other than God’s Strength. Remember that God is your Strength. Remember that He has never abandoned you. Remember that all your help comes from the Lord. Be satisfied in Christ who is your strength.
Decide today to make God your Strength. Make Jesus your choice. I guarantee, it will be the best choice you will ever make. “I’ve decided to make Jesus my Choice (written by Harris Johnson, 1971).”