Only the Strong Survive
9. Then they shall deliver you up to be afflicted and shall kill you: and you shall be hated of all nations for My Name’s sake.
10. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.
11. And many false prophets shall rise and shall deceive many.
12. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
13. But the one who endures unto the end, the same shall be saved.
Matthew 24:9-14
The Struggle is Real
Charles Darwin presented his theory of evolution in the 1860s and in 1869 published his fifth edition of the Origin of Species in which he coined the term ‘survival of the fittest.’ His theory was based on three tenets: first, living organisms pass on traits to the next generation; two, organism overpopulate and create a scarcity of resources that causes competition between species; and lastly, species change over time to adapt to their environment. Thus, the term survival of the fittest describes the stronger species winning out and weaker ones losing. Darwinism has impacted almost every area of human life from politics to science, from religion to social life. Marxism was birthed as it used the theory to demonstrate how classism was the root of all social problems. Then it set out to establish a utopia where all classes would be equal and there would not be an ongoing struggle between the haves and the have-nots. The bourgeoisie would not hold sway over the proletariats. The question arises, how does this theory square with the teachings of Jesus or are we talking about an entirely different belief altogether?
Not only does Darwin fail to present a convincing argument of the origin of species versus creation, but he also fails to address the solution to mankind’s needs. The Bible does not teach that humans are evolving into something greater and better; the Bible teaches that mankind is sinful and desperately wicked. The Bible teaches that mankind’s only hope of redemption is to trust in a Savior that God sent to deliver the world from sin and self-destruction. While some may argue there is no proof of the Bible’s claims, there is proof, and it is called faith. This is probably the reason that Darwin had more faith in his theory of evolution than faith in the Bible. Darwin trusted that his theory would bring about enlightenment and a better world. Well, here we are over a century and a half (153 years) later, and the evolutionary process is only getting worse. Yet those who have followed Jesus and His teachings have experienced life changing faith. This demonstrates that faith in God is always stronger than faith in human systems. The just shall live by faith.
That being said, this does not mean that Christians will not face opposition. As a matter of fact, it seems that persecution and struggles have been the lot for believers down through the centuries. What makes the truth of Jesus more compelling even though it has meant torture, persecution, and death to millions of His followers? The short answer is that it is built on a Kingdom that is beyond this world rather than theories that are grounded in this world. Those who follow Christ have struggled and overcome through faith because they believe in a better life now and eternal life hereafter. Yes, the struggle is real but also the faith in God is real.
What does this have to do with the struggles of today? Down through the eons of time, mankind has made desperate attempts to define his existence. Many of the arguments have sounded convincing but have not produced lasting change. Of all the philosophers and teachers, I have not found a single one that has died for anyone else other than themselves. They all had nice sounding words, but they had no power, no life changing energy, no joy that would fill the heart, mind, and soul like Jesus the Christ.
The truth of the matter as we have seen over time, the social order is dissolving rather than evolving. The system is falling apart. Nations are crumbling and economies are floundering over one pandemic. In the United States alone, 700,000 people have died from this pandemic; with over 4.8 million worldwide. The irony is that the world’s “strongest nation” also leads the world in infections (43.6 Million) and deaths; the good old US of A, according to World Health Organization data as of September 30, 2021.
The reality of Jesus Words
In case you have not read the News out of Heaven recently, here is what Jesus said about these perilous times. They shall deliver you up to be afflicted and shall kill you: and you shall be hated of all nations for My Name’s sake … And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another … And many false prophets shall rise and shall deceive many … And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold … But the one who endures unto the end, the same shall be saved. While the message of our Lord might strike panic in the hearts of many, Jesus first, warns us of the days ahead, secondly, He prepares us for the transition to things above, and third, He assures us that we are not alone in the struggle. Yes, the struggle is real, but His promises are also real.
Darwin was attempting to assure us that we would evolve our way out of such struggles, but Jesus said, you will not make it without Me. Now that we are seeing our Lord’s Word manifest itself. Who will you turn to in the struggle? As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
Jesus’ Word provides warnings, but they also provide strength to the believer. His Word is Truth and not theory. It is the revelation of God’s sovereign plan for humanity and even though it speaks of destruction and chaos, it does not end that way. When Jesus said the end will come, He is not speaking of the end for the faithful. Jesus is not speaking of the end of all things, but the end of trouble, the end of heartache, the end of persecution and torment. Jesus is speaking of the end of evil and wickedness. That gives us blessed hope!
These things must come to pass in order for the full realization of the impact of sin to be known to man. Jesus’ prophecy in Matthew 24 demonstrates three things. First is the failure of human governments and world systems of power. You shall hear of wars and rumors of wars … nations shall rise against nations, and kingdoms against kingdoms. Matthew 24:6-7. Despite the fact that there have been numerous peace summits and attempts to unify the governments of the world, human governments are at odds with each other for world dominance and control of its resources. Former Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo was asked if he was concerned over the melting of the glaciers in the polar regions of our world. His reply was, if the glaciers melt, we will be able to form new trade routes that will boost our economies. (source CNN, May 2019). This leads us to realize that world leadership is more concerned for economic, military, and social power, rather than showing concern for people. If the polar icecaps melt, our world is doomed.
Jesus also prophesied of destructive living conditions in the world. There shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. Matthew 24:7. While the COVID-19 pandemic presents a global threat, we also have had earthquakes, other pestilences, and consequently famines. Many of these destructive living conditions have been in “3rd World” countries, but rest assured, it is coming our way. Even if there could be a way for nations to stop fighting each other and start working together, the destructive living conditions would prevail and bring mankind to the brink of total destruction. Sounds bleak and dismal, doesn’t it? Hold on, it gets worse before it gets better.
Jesus made one other prophecy that defines the attitude of people during such turbulent times. Our Lord said, many shall be offended (lose faith), and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another … and because iniquity (sin) shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. Matthew 24:10, 12. Isn’t that what we are experiencing today? People are hating more than ever. The question is, how does the Christian respond to this?
The Promise of Survival
Here is where the Good News of the Kingdom comes in. The Christian is not going down with the world. Yes, we will face end time hardships as these sorrows begin to unfold, but God has made some promises to His followers. But the one who endures unto the end, the same shall be saved. First, our endurance is not depended on our human strength. The Lord is our Keeper. The believer’s endurance is reliant upon the Grace and Mercy of God to keep them in troubled times. Jesus prayed that we would be kept by the Power of God. John 17:11 – keep through Thine own Name those whom You have given Me, that they may be one as We are One. The believer will make it through these times not by might nor by power, but by God’s Holy Spirit.
Not only will God bless the believer to survive such times by keeping them, but Jesus also promised to be with them in their struggles. I will never leave you, nor will I forsake you. Hebrews 13:5. While those who believe in human strength watch as those human systems fail, the believer has the promise of God’s Presence. That is Good News. Believers are not exempt from the storms of life, including the end time storms, but we are assured that we will never face any storm without God’s Hand upon our lives. That is how we will survive.
Lastly, Jesus made the promise that this madness will come to an end. The world looks at “the End” as a climactic time in human history with sorry and remorse. The believer looks at “the End” as a new beginning. Sorry and sadness will be destroyed, hardship and confusion will reign no more. All things that have offended will be dissolved and Christ will reign forever more. I don’t know about you, but my heart says, Even so, come Lord Jesus. Believers long for the day when destruction will end and the Kingdom of God to fully envelop this earth with goodness and righteousness. We can all say at that time, I survived.