Getting a Life
4. In Him was life; and the life was the light of men.
5. And the Light shines in darkness; and the darkness does not comprehend it.
John 1:4-5
What is “a Life?”
I’m sure that we have all heard this phrase. We have probably used it in conversations when advising others of their need to ‘take control’ of their life. But what does it mean to get a life? Is life length of days?
According to the United Nations Life Expectancy research, the average life for a person in the United States in 2021 is 78.99 years. Does the US have the highest average life expectancy? No. The nation with the highest life expectancy is Hong Kong with over 85 years. The US is thirty-ninth. So, does age determine how to “get a life?”
This is where “life” can get complicated. Living long does not automatically mean living well. What about health, wealth, and purpose? If a person lived to be a hundred years but their life had no meaning or purpose, what was it all for? At this point, young people have an advantage that has escaped those with added years. They have an opportunity to embark upon a path that leads to that goal of living well. For the sake of this message, “getting a life” also means “living well.”
Getting this life all depends on a choice between self-pursuit or pursuing God’s Amazing Gift. While self-pursuit is the direction that most take, the Bible has a much less stressful path to life. It is laid out for us in these verses. In Him was life; and the life was the Light of men … And the Light shines in darkness; and the darkness does not comprehend it. The life, as the one we would need to get-a-life, is found in one source: God. But notice the problem. While this Life from God shines out so that all people would grasp it, there is a problem where some don’t understand the light. Please get this picture of the Light blazing out into the darkness, but the darkness does not respond because it does not comprehend the Light. It does not acknowledge the Light because the darkness is welcomed more than the Light. The Scripture is clear at this point and brings out the fact that men loved darkness rather than Light. John 3:19.
Why Do People Reject the Life?
So here we see the problem. Life has come into the world, but the world does not comprehend (apprehend, attain, perceive, or find). Why is that? It could be due to several critical factors. The first is to not know. People simply do not know what Life is nor do they understand how they can find it. The second factor is to not pay attention and allow the life-giving moment to escape without grasping or attaining it. The third factor is to not care. At this point, the darkness is so thick that the person has no interest in the Light but is more engrossed in the darkness. This is what I call “the roach reaction” where the light comes on, but the critters flee and hide.
In order to not miss the Light, people must learn to deal with and overcome those deadly factors that keep them from the Light. In Him was life; and the life was the light of men … And the Light shines in darkness; and the darkness does not comprehend it. Please remember, it is not about living long but rather living well. To live well I must learn about the Light. In life, there will be many discoveries. Some will be good, and some will be bad. If a person is going to attain to or comprehend the Light, they must learn to seek the right things and not the wrong things. How can it be that some people know so much about temporary things, but have not been able to discover the fellowship with the True Light, Jesus Christ? Making the decision to know Christ will take you on the most rewarding journey that can ever be experienced. John 1:9, that was the True Light which lights every person that comes into the world.
Possessing that True Light means that God will be there to light your path and show you the direction you need to take. Even when you run across bad times, God will be there to direct you and comfort you in the times of pain. Life is never easy, but it does not have to be spent in darkness.
In order to not miss the Light, also requires discipline to do the right things and not give in to temptation. When the Scripture says “people love darkness rather than Light” that does not exempt the believer. We still have a sin nature that loves to commit sin if given the opportunity. Here is where we learn to follow the Light. This involves trust and true fellowship with Christ. Jesus would never lead us into sin, but He will lead us in the path of righteousness because His Name is at stake. Finding the Light and walking in the Light does not mean we will never be tempted. What it does mean is that same Light that leads will also be the Light that exposes sin for what it is. Walking in the Light means freedom from the bondage of sin. As a believer, you must not allow pleasure to take the place of praise. I have found that you cannot serve God and sin at the same time. Stay true to the Light and you will never walk in darkness.
Lastly, never ignore God’s prompting to change or to move forward. What do I mean by that? There are times when the Light will direct you to move in a certain direction. If you ignore that prompting from God, you may miss the opportunity of finding your purpose. I use the example of Mrs. Ruby M. Mickles, an educator and lifelong member of the Cross Road Baptist Church. She is now a centenarian (over 100 years old). She has lived well because she made the decision to follow the Light. I’m sure that she could have chosen a number of different paths in life, but the Light led her to the path of education. Teaching was not just a job for her, it was her way of sharing her Light with the world.
African American teachers not only taught the basics of reading, writing, and arithmetic, they taught something called “manners, etiquette, and excellence.” They inspired their students because they saw potential. Mrs. Ruby could not have done that without having the Love of Christ in her life. She has lived well, and God has blessed the work of her hands.
So now, the choice is yours. What will you pursue? Will you pursue riches? Will you pursue pleasures? Will you pursue fame? The choice is yours? Will you pursue the Light and remain true to that Light? John 1:9, that was the True Light which lights every person that comes into the world.
It is only when we pursue the True Light that we will be able to get a life.