Do You Know the Man? – Part 1

40.And He said to them, “Why are you so fearful?” How is it that you have no faith?”

41.And they feared exceedingly and said to each other, “What manner of Man is this, that even the wind and the sea obey Him?”

Mark 5:40-41

Revelation in a Crisis

There are FOUR questions raised in this passage of Scripture that relate to us in our life journey. These questions don’t really seem critical until we are thrown into a crisis. As long as life is headed in the right direction at a smooth pace, we may still have those concerns, but they are on the ‘back burner.’ Those are the issues that we will get to later. And then, later happens. We are thrown into that storm, that sickness, that need, that heartbreak. Now the questions are front and center and demand immediate answers.

These questions were staring the Disciples in the eye and now they are staring at you and me. They demand answers. We cannot walk away from them because of the crisis. The Disciples were on the sea, traveling with Jesus to the other side. Suddenly they were in the midst of a fierce storm that threatened the ship and their lives. Some of those on board were experienced fishermen and had no doubt, been in storms before. Yet, this storm created such a crisis that they cried out to the Lord Jesus, “Master, do you care that we perish?”

In this thing that we call ‘revelation in a crisis,’ we immediately ask about our relationship with God. Maybe your question is not worded the same as the Disciples, but it does inquire about the Lord’s ability to rescue or secure you from harm. This REVELATION in a crisis questions God’s ability to take care of you. It might be worded, “where are You Lord?” Or it my come in the form of “Why is it taking God so long?” “Why didn’t God prevent this?”

This Revelation in a crisis is two-fold. We recognize God on the one hand but then we question God’s ability or His plan on the other hand. Don’t think that you have not done this, because we all have. In that crisis moment, it reveals that we still believe in God, but our faith is not active. Doubts and fears seem to dominate the situation. The crisis causes a heightened awareness of our weaknesses. While we are still praying, we are not basing the prayer on faith but fear. I’m afraid, so rather than recognize what God is doing, I recognize what He is not doing. On one hand we say that God is real and even that God is good. On the other hand, we ask God why He allows us to go through such crisis. So our revelation of crisis confirms that we have faith in God, but we either don’t know where it is or we don’t know how to use it.

Dealing with the Fear Factor

This brings us immediately to the second question asked by Jesus. “Why are you so fearful?” This is not simply about being afraid, but more about allowing fear to “message us.” This fear factor focuses on what is wrong and not on what can be done about the wrong. We all have fears. We all have those crisis when our fear comes to the surface. So Jesus is not asking you about the fact that you have fear. He is asking you and me about what is that fear doing to you? Why are you allowing the fear to dictate your direction and even how you address Him when you enter His presence.

Like us, the Disciples panicked. Like us, the Disciples had their eye on the Storm rather than looking to Jesus. So, when they came to Jesus, they were very specific in their request, but their request was not based on trust but threat. They, like us, wanted Jesus to “FIX IT.” Does that sound familiar? Does that resonate with anything that we have prayed recently? The crisis happens and we simply want Jesus to calm the sea rather than teach us how to trust Him.

Please remember that our message is titled, “Do You Know the Man.” As we work through this passage it is important to keep that in mind. Unless you know The Man, you will question who or what is in charge in your life. Unless you Know the Man, you will automatically default to things controlling your life and situations dominating your life rather than God sending you through His process of refinement. Unless you Know the Man, you will blame The Man for not doing His Job. Unless you Know the Man, you might automatically assume that you know what needs to be done, even though you know fully that you can’t do what needs to be done. Unless you Know the Man and trust The Man, you might accidently find yourself sitting in the driver’s seat of your life rather than reserving that place for The Man. Do You Know the Man?

By the way, you need to do a fear inventory. Make a list of your fears and then take them to God. It might even be a good idea to list what those fears can do if they are unchecked. Make the list and check it twice, you will find out if you are naughty or nice.

This brings us to the third question that was asked by Jesus. “Why is it that you have no faith?” This question is a rebuke. It is not a harsh one, but it is a rebuke. This is one of those rebukes like “you should know better.” This is one of those rebukes like, “Have I been so long with you Phillip and yet you do not know Me?” Jesus was demanding something of them. He wanted an answer from them as to what happened to your faith. If you and I are honest, we will ask ourselves, where did I put my faith? Did you hide it? Did you apply your faith in the wrong thing? Did you simply not use your faith?

Here is the point. Every crisis you encounter in life will demand that your faith is active and front and center. Fear will never guide you through any of your battles and life crisis. Only faith can do that. Jesus was perfectly on point when He asked, “why is it that you have no faith.” He wanted them to know that their fear was in the place where their faith needed to be. Their fear was questioning God’s ability. Their faith would have confirmed God’s ability if they had. Their faith would have said, “I know The Man.” He has brought me through this. He has brought me through that. Yes, I know The Man.

So when The Man asks you, “where is your faith” you need to be able to produce it. You need to respond, “here it is.” Don’t lose your faith like you would your car keys; your faith is more important. Don’t lose your faith like you do your money; because your faith is priceless. Don’t lose your faith like you lose your time; because wasted faith means wasted living. Don’t lose your faith like you lose your friends; because you can’t find any replacement for your faith relationship. Keep the faith.

Do You Know The Man

Finally, we come to the fourth question that was asked by the Disciples, “What manner of Man is this, that even the wind and the sea obey Him?” They asked themselves that question, but never came to a satisfying answer. Isn’t it something how we question God, but don’t allow God to answer? If you want to know somebody, stop doing the background check of asking everybody else. Ask the person, “who are you?” If you don’t know The Man, ask Him. He will tell you that He is the Lilly of the Valley. Ask Him, and He will tell you that He is that Rock in a Weary Land. You can ask me who He is and I’ll tell you what I know based on my experience. But then, I will ask you, “why don’t you know Him.” He is the same Lord God. He is Alpha and Omega. You need to know Him for yourself. Don’t just take my word for it. He is God and He answers for Himself.

More to come next week – Do you know The Man?