Staying Strong

Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the Power of His Might.

Ephesians 6:10

All Strength Comes from God

It is remarkable that Almighty God has given us life, but this life is not without struggle. Where there is strength there will invariably be a struggle to deplete that strength. This is the growth process. The only things that do not utilize strength are dead things. So struggle is a part of growing, developing, and fulfillment of purpose. That is why God gives strength.

Here is where the carnal mind becomes confused. Many who have their mind on earthly things will only depend on natural strength. They assume that physical strength, (whether it come in the form of bodily energy to perform a physical task or mental energy to think through some problems), is all that it takes to win in life. Yes we need physical strength. Yes we need mental strength and emotional strength; but, we also need spiritual strength. As a matter of fact, it is the spiritual strength that provides a well of refreshing that supplies both the physical, emotional, and mental strength. Yes, that strength comes from only one source: God Almighty.

Right now, people are struggling to fight something that they have never experienced before. Those who are weak physically need God to strengthen their bodies and their immune systems to fight this perplexing enemy. Right now, there are people in mental anguish over this ordeal and they need the strength of God to help them emotionally and to comfort them. Though some will not admit it, there is the need for intellectual strength, and the brains to figure out a cure for this virus. May I confirm to you that all the strength that you and I need is in God. Notice how Ephesians 6:10 makes an amazing proclamation, a reassuring provision, and a wonderful promise. Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the Power of His Might.

It is a proclamation that the Lord has opened the Gates to His Mighty Power. This Power is not just from God, it is IN GOD. Be strong in the Lord. If I were merely strong from the Lord, that would indicate that I somehow control this power, but I don’t. It is in the Lord in order that the Power will now take control of me. This is a wonderful proclamation for those who are weak like us and can’t wrap our minds around what is happening. Paul, in Ephesians writes, that we need to be strong in the Lord.

I can tell you several things that I know about this current Coronavirus pandemic. First, it did not take Heaven by surprise. God not only knew about it, God had already planned to use this for His Glory. Second, this is not the first plague and it won’t be the last. Throughout history, there have been plagues, especially in Biblical times. God gave the people strength then and He is the same God who will give strength now. Third, there will be some lessons learned to teach people how to not only live better, but to do better. It is called growth and progress. Lastly, the only way we are going to get through this is by the Power of God. These days have taught us that the brightest minds, the most powerful politicians, and all the money in the world, cannot make this problem go away. We NEED GOD’S POWER.

Here is the great news – the Power of God is available. This is the provision of that Strength from God. It has always been available for those who would ask of God. It is God’s authority that provides the Power and makes it available. It is our duty and obligation to ask. Don’t let pride keep you from asking for strength.

Sampson had allowed himself to get weak by revealing to the wrong people where his power came from. Judges 16, tells us that Sampson lost his strength and as a result was injured, humiliated, and imprisoned by the enemy of his people. Then the Bible gives one other detail: Sampson prayed for strength from God. God gave him that strength and he prevailed in his death and conquered his foes. You too can be Strong in the Lord if you pray.

We are told that Jesus was in prayer in Gethsemane before His agonizing death on the Cross. In the midst of His prayer, Luke 22:43 tells us there appeared an Angel unto Him from Heaven, strengthening Him. Jesus called on His Father for strength and He received that strength. You and I can also pray that God would provide His Strength in these troubled times.

God’s Promise of Strength

Not only does God proclaim His Strength and provide His Strength in the time of need, God promises His Strength to those who will seek Him. Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the Power of His Might. Please notice the prepositional word “in.” From what I understand prepositions are just that; they are Pre-positions that modify the noun in the sentence. Please be aware that the original writing of the New Testament was in Greek and therefore the wording would be different but the truth is the same. You are in the Lord and in the Power of His Might. You are not in a mess and in the weakness of your own mind. It all depend on who is in control of your mind. If you are facing a struggle, perhaps you need to pre-position your life in before the struggle takes its toll on you. Rather than in a problem, I will pre-position myself so that I am in Christ Jesus. Rather than facing a storm with doubt, I will pre-position myself to be in faith. Do you see where I’m going. Weakness takes over because we do not pre-position ourselves and re-position our life to where we can be filled with God’s Power rather than the weakness of our own mind.

Do you realize that Jesus said these days will come in Luke 21:26, the hearts of men failing them for fear and for looking after those things that are coming upon the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. This panic is global and people are filled with anxiety. So what shall the righteous do? Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the Power of His Might. The word finally indicates something special and a tremendous promise from God. You don’t want to just let go.

The last thing you want to do as a child of God is to give in. The last thing you want to do is to allow fear to have its way. 2 Timothy 1:7, for God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. So the last thing you want to do is go without God’s Power. Powerlessness is contagious. Fear is contagious, but so is love; so is Power; so is a sober mind. The Bible does not say that the world will end with the Coronavirus. The Bible does say it will end with Jesus coming back to the Earth as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Don’t let fear drive you into the corner without your faith.

Finally brethren of the Faith, that means the last thing you want to do is exercise your faith and not to abandon your faith. Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the Power of His Might. The command is BE STRONG.

When the Power of the Lord comes upon you, you will be Strong in the Lord because God will make you Strong in Him. This involves three simple but powerful things that you must do. First, pray for Strength. Second, remind yourself that you are in Christ Jesus and you have access to Heavenly Power. Third, operate in God’s Strength and the Power of His Might. Don’t just sit still, exercise your ability in Christ by offering praise to God, service to others, and by taking care of yourself. Remember, the Power of God may not make you a super-hero, but it will make you a Saint. Be Blessed.