How Shall I Answer God?

28. And one of the Scribes came, and having heard them reasoning together, and perceiving that He (Jesus) had answered them well, asked Him, “Which is the first commandment of all?”

29. And Jesus answered him, “The first of all the commandments is, Hear O Israel; The Lord our God is One Lord;”

30. “And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength; this is the first commandment.”

31. “And the second is like, namely this, you shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these.”

32. And the Scribe said unto Him, “Well, Master, you have said the truth: for there is One God; and there is none other but He:”

33. “And to love Him with all your heart, and with all the understanding, and with all the soul, and with all the strength, and to love his neighbor as himself, is more than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices.”

34. And when Jesus saw that he answered discretely, He said unto him, “You are not far from the Kingdom of God.” And no man after that did ask Him any question.

Mark 12:28-34, Verse 34 with the central Verse

God answers those who ask the right questions

The fact that we must all answer to God should be well understood. When we, as believers, embrace that fact, it would bring about a radical change in the way we live. This points to problems we have in the Church; many do not believe in living godly and dedicated lives. The reason many don’t believe is because they lack the discipline in their daily walk. The reason many lack discipline in their daily walk is because they don’t believe in accountability to God. The reason they don’t believe in accountability to God is because they don’t think that God will bring them into judgment. The reason they don’t believe that God will bring them into judgment is because they have a faulty focus on God’s Love. The reason they have a faulty focus on God’s Love is because they don’t understand God’s greatest commandment. The reason they don’t understand God’s greatest commandment is because they feel that they will never have to answer God. The reason they believe they will never have to answer God is because they don’t love God. If they loved God, they would have no problem in obeying God’s Commandment. It all starts with giving God a discreet answer when He speaks.

This Scribe in the text had been listening as the religious leaders kept throwing questions at Jesus with malicious intent. They wanted to hear Jesus say something that was false. They would have a better chance of pouring the mighty ocean into one tiny tea cup. They would have a better chance of grabbing the sun and wearing it as jewelry. Jesus spoke truth because He was God. They refused to listen to the truth because their hearts were evil. Yet this Scribe listened and he heard Jesus speak; he was convinced that Jesus was right. As a result of hearing Jesus, the young man asked a question to know more. One of the Scribes came, and having heard them reasoning together, and perceiving that He (Jesus) had answered them well, asked Him, “Which is the first commandment of all?” He had no hidden agenda; there was nothing insincere about his request. In essence, the Scribe was saying, “Lord, tell me what is right.” Have you ever asked God that question? You need to. As a matter of fact, you must not only ask the question, you must also answer God when He questions you. So how will you answer God?

Problems come when we don’t give God a good answer

One of the greatest problems in the Church is caused by people not answering God. Many expect God to answer every time, yet they rarely give God an answer. If you notice, God has been asking questions to fallen man since the beginning. Adam and Eve were questioned when they ate of the forbidden fruit. As a matter of record, all of God’s Creation was “very good”; it was perfect before they ate. As soon as they partook of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, God began to question them.

The first question was – where are you? Genesis 3:9. The same question is asked of everyone. Do you know where you are with respect to God? This is not an inquiry to determine your geographical bearings. This is a question that asks you to search your heart. As a matter of fact, it is only when you love God with all your heart that you can truly answer God. The greatest command states that we should love God with all our heart. Those that would claim to be born again let me ask this question: are you in it with all your heart? Some would answer yes, but then turn around and give God half hearted service. Some would answer yes, but then quit the Church and God at the first sign of trouble. Some would say yes, when the only reason they love God is to receive something good from God’s hand. The rest of the time they blame, they blaspheme, and the blurt out insults at God because He does not fill their life with the magic of a fairy tale. So the question is whether or not your heart is in it. When God asked this question of Adam and Eve, He knew that they had departed from their holy relationship with Him. It is sad when the heart goes and the person tries to stay and put on a front. It is sad when your heart says goodbye to what is right, but then act like everything is okay. God would ask – have you given Me all your heart? How shall you answer God? Adam and Eve never gave God an answer. They simply replied “I was afraid because I was naked.”

This prompted the second question by God. This question had to do with loving God with all your mind and soul. God’s second question – who told you? Genesis 3:11. If a person loves God with all their mind and soul, God would never ask them, “who told you.” Why? There would be no need for them to turn to anyone else but God for all their answers. We’re told in Proverbs 3:5-6, trust in the Lord with all your heart AND lean not unto your own understanding … in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths. God’s question was directed to Adam and Eve to prove that they had not loved God with all their mind and soul. They had relied on the serpent’s persuasion and leaned on their own way rather than God’s way. They were using information that was not from God nor was it of God. Again, they did not answer God’s question, but God answered it for them. Have you eaten from the tree, whereof I commanded you that you should not eat? Gen. 3:11.

So let’s recap. The original sin prompted questions from God that centered around Adam and Eve breaking God’s command. The questions ‘where are you’ and ‘who told you’ had to do with loving and trusting God. Adam and Eve departed from God’s love and as a result relied on information that was not of God. That was the recap of the original sin. As we fast forward through the centuries, we encounter Jesus, God in the Flesh, answering a scribe’s question about the greatest commandment of all. This scribe did not hide from God. This scribe did not blame anyone else. This scribe listened and then he answered Jesus. “Well, Master, you have said the truth: for there is One God; and there is none other but He.” He understood that you cannot hide from God and you cannot hide from the truth of God. Let us fast forward to our time and we will find there are many who hide behind ignorance to avoid God. They will say things like, “I don’t understand the Bible.” Another hiding spot is “I don’t believe the Bible because it was written by man.” Some will say, “there are so many religions – you don’t know who is right.” None of these responses answer the big question. Here is question one – where are you? Here is the second question – who told you? You don’t need to answer me or any other person. You must and you cannot avoid answering God. You either answer Him now or you answer later.

Loving God Answers All the Questions

The scribe was not like the other religious leaders. He was able to look beyond the preconceived suspicions about Jesus. He listened and he heard our Lord speaking the truth. The truth of God was breaking the chains of religion and false opinions. The man heard the Lord of Glory speaking to him directly. The man listened as Jesus filled his heart, mind, and soul with the greatest commandment. This was more liberating than all the burnt offerings and sacrifices. The scribe answered God with words of confidence and faith. “To love Him (God) with all your heart, and with all the understanding, and with all the soul, and with all the strength, and to love his neighbor as himself, is more than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices.” This settled all the questions. Love God and love your neighbor.

Do you realize that if Adam and Eve loved God, they would have never gotten into the mess of eating from the tree of knowledge? The lack of love led them to not trust God. This prompted God’s third question– what have you done? Gen. 3:13. If you don’t love God, you will do something that is not of God. If you don’t love God, you will violate all His commandments. This is why people have no problem passing laws and living lifestyles that directly oppose the Scripture. They don’t love God. They may love themselves. They may love their sin. They may claim to love other people, but it is obvious, they don’t love God. As a result, they cannot and will not answer God’s third question – what have you done? The scribe answered Jesus with a good answer and with an honest answer. This scribe was searching for truth and he heard it directly from God: love God and love your neighbor. This scribe repeated what Jesus told him and Jesus approved his answer by saying, “you are not far from the Kingdom of God.” The scribe was on the path of righteousness, all he needed now was to keep going in the right direction of loving God and loving his neighbor. That’s the answer.

So why do people avoid the third question – what have you done? Some try to play the blame game as Adam and Eve. They point fingers at one another or they blame the serpent. The bottom line is they don’t take personal responsibility for their own sin. Loving God and loving your neighbor would lead you to admit your faults and acknowledge your sin. Whenever I have hurt my wife – I go to her and ask forgiveness. It’s because I love her. Whenever I sin against God – I go to Him and ask forgiveness because I love God. Love is so amazing. It covers a multitude of faults. The scribe was right. He said loving God and loving your neighbor with all you have is better than all burnt offerings and all sacrifices.

So why do people not answer with love? Some hide behind religion. They assume that burnt offerings, sacrifices, and Church rituals will correct whatever is wrong. Don’t get this wrong. Burnt offerings, sacrifices, and rituals may have their proper place but they can never forgive sin. The only ones that can forgive your sin are God and the people that you have sinned against. So answer the question.

We are left with the daunting question – how shall I answer God? This is one that no one can answer but you and me. It can be answered but it can only be answered by responding to Jesus. When Jesus told the scribe that he was not far from the Kingdom of God, he meant that. All the scribe had to do was walk through the Door to the Kingdom, which was Jesus Christ.

Jesus answered the scribe and then listened to the ‘discrete’ response. This man provided the right answer. You too can give the right answer to God. First admit that God speaks truth. Mark 12:32. Well, Master, you have said the truth: for there is One God; and there is none other but He. There cannot be different versions of the truth. In a court of law, judges listen to hear the truth. Then they render a verdict based on the evidence presented. In our case, there is no such thing as many gods. There is only One God and He is the One. He speaks the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me God.

Secondly, the Lord is One God. Yes, there is One God. Again, in Mark 12:32 it states there is One God. I only have to please One and that is God. Our lives will never be complete if we are trying to please Lottie, Dottie, and everybody. You must please God. That’s why the One God gave you One Command. That Command is to love. Here is the good news. God will show you how to love and give you the capacity as well as the ability to love. He says, Love one another as I have love you, that you also love one another. John 13:34.

Lastly, realize that to love God is the greatest command. Mark 12:33, “to love Him with all your heart, and with all the understanding, and with all the soul, and with all the strength, and to love his neighbor as himself, is more than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices.” While you may fill your time doing many things for God, none will be greater than loving. The way you show your love for God is by loving your neighbor. So pay attention and answer the question. God bless.